I know, it looks like something from a science lab.
But look! Once out of the jar, it looks like chicken!
Logan wanted to give it a try (although he keeps calling it turkey). He actually ate a little chunk right out of the can. This is a minor miracle, since Logan is a total meat-phobe. Worth canning chicken to get my picky toddler to eat? Heck, yeah!!
Here is the Sweet & Sour chicken, bubbling away on the stovetop. It was SOOO easy to make, and only took about 15 minutes (although I cheated and made the rice in a rice cooker.)
And here is dinner! I will say, I thought it was pretty tasty. The pineapple mitigates the strong chicken flavor well. Mitch still wasn't a fan. Well, back to the drawing board...
I already ordered the pressure canner, though, so we'll be trying it out with other meats, chili, tomato sauces and salsas. You name it - I'm gonna can it. But the chicken -- just for Logan and me apparently.
sweet and sour chicken soup? Is that kinda like the Chinese Sweet and Sour Soup? If it is, you are really more Chinese than I am... the soup... the May Tai... :)
there are a few ladies way into pressure canning in my ward and i went to a class on it with them. the grossest looking thing was the ground beef, but it tasted surprisingly good (they had made spaghetti and sloppy joes for us to try) -- I just can't see if I would ever recoup the costs -- I can buy an awful lot of canned chicken and beans for the price of the pressure canner and jars -- so let me know if you do!
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