Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Duncan hasn't needed many clothes, since Logan had quite the impressive wardrobe and he's pretty much set with hand-me-downs. Sometimes I run across a particular favorite from Logan's babyhood, and I can't believe Logan has gotten so big, and that Duncan is getting that way, too.
Here's Logan is his tractor overalls. And Daddy's crocs. Logan's love for crocs began early. He still refuses to wear anything else.
Same overalls, different baby! Duncan is a few months younger than Logan in this picture. And mesemerized by Despicable Me, therefore not even looking at the camera. That's a good thing though - once he sees it, he will not stand still. Picture taking is an impossibility with the busy little guy.

I love my boys.

(And my girl, too. She doesn't wear tractor overalls, though. More's the pity.)

1 comment:

Sarahbelle said...

One pair of overalls, two cute boys -- what a deal!!!